The commencement of Measles-Rubella (MR) vaccination campaign came after the national monitoring team managed by Dr. Debashish Roy, WHO India, Announced to start the immunization program. “The health department will now run ‘Mission 2020’. The mission has been aimed to execute measles and rubella for the next two years.” said Minister of Lucknow .The Health Ministry has taken up the movement to the campaign in the series of three phases. The first phase will be launched from 26th of November. Awareness campaign will run in government, private schools in the first two weeks. Students will be immunized as well. In the second phase, two weeks in the communal areas, children will be vaccinated along with the awareness of the children. Vaccination of children left in the last week will be done.
Know More About Rubella & Measles
German measles is rubella .Rubella is quite different when compared to measles (rubeola), but the two sicknesses for both do share some characteristics, including the pink or red rash. Measles, which has been spread out in the United States in recent months, is rubeola. Rubella causes a calmer illness than measles, but it is of appropriate concern because if a pregnant woman becomes infected, the virus can cause severe birth defects. Rubella is usually a mild disease in children. The main concern with rubella virus infection, however, is the effect it can have on pregnant woman.
Rubella is spread in the same way as any viral cold – by tiny dewdrop formed from the nose and mouth. It’s not as contagious as a cold or the measles, but it has a long evolution period which is the time between getting infected with the virus and getting sick and that varies from 12 to 23 days. In rare cases, rubella can cause deliberate problems, including brain infections and bleeding problems.
Whereas, the first symptoms of a measles infection are usually getting by cough, fluid nose, high fever, and red eyes. Kids also may have small red spots with blue-white centers inside the mouth before the rash starts. Measles is so contagious that if one person has it, 90% of the people close to that person who are not probably will also become infected. Infected people can spread measles to others from four days before through four days after the rash appears. Measles, rubella, and mumps are acute viral diseases that can cause serious disease and complications of disease but can be prevented with vaccination. Vaccines for prevention of measles, rubella, and mumps were licensed and recommended for use in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s